2016 argazki galeria. Museoa bisitatzera etorri diren eskola eta hainbat talde ezberdinen argazki galeria.


2016-12-05 - Gabonetako Eskulan Tailerra

Could not load widget with the id 474.


2016-11-24 - San Antonio - Santa Barbara (Durango)

Could not load widget with the id 473.

2016-11-18 - Franciacanas de Montpelier (Trapagaran)

Could not load widget with the id 472.

2016-11-07 - Argazki Rally-a

Could not load widget with the id 469.


2016-10-28 - Madrilgo Bisitariak (Madril)

Could not load widget with the id 468.

2016-10-28 - Floreaga Ikastetxea (Azkoitia)

Could not load widget with the id 467.

2016-10-14 - Haztegi Ikastola (Legazpia)

Could not load widget with the id 466.

2016-10-06 - Floreaga Ikastetxea (Azkoitia)

Could not load widget with the id 465.

2016-10-03 - Mary Ward Ikastetxea (Donostia)

Could not load widget with the id 462.


2016-06-30 - Iraurgi Ikastetxea (udalekuak)

Could not load widget with the id 460.

2016-06-17 - Alazne Ikastetxea Barakaldo)

Could not load widget with the id 457.

2016-06-14 - Iraurgi ikastetxea (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 456.

2016-06-11 - Sendabelarren erabilerak familian

Could not load widget with the id 455.

2016-06-10 - Ikastola Ikasberri (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 454.


2016-05-02 - Kirikiño Ikastola (Bilbao)

Could not load widget with the id 432.

2016-05-06 - San Martin Agirre Eskola (Bergara)

Could not load widget with the id 435.

2016-05-09 - Arreiturri Institutoa (Elgoibar)

Could not load widget with the id 433.

2016-05-10 - Arreiturri Institutoa (Elgoibar)

Could not load widget with the id 436.

2016-05-11 - Salesiar Ikastetxea (Urnieta)

Could not load widget with the id 437.

2016-05-12 - Ikasbide Ikastola (Bilbo)

Could not load widget with the id 438.

2016-05-13 - Urretxindorra Ikastola (Bilbo)

Could not load widget with the id 439.

2016-05-16 - Kirikiño ikastola (Bilbo)

Could not load widget with the id 440.

2016-05-17 - Arreiturri Institutoa (Elgoibar)

Could not load widget with the id 441.


2016-04-28 - Karmelo Etxegarai Ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 431.

2016-04-28 - Ikasberri Ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 430.

2016-04-27 - Bizarain ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 429.

2016-04-25 - Ikastola Karmelo Etxegarai (Azpeitia)

ikastola karmelo errota bisita 01ikastola karmelo errota bisita 01

2016-04-25 - Kiriñiño Ikastola (Bilbao)

Could not load widget with the id 428.

2016-04-22 - Colegio San José de Floreaga (Azkoitia)

Could not load widget with the id 426.

2016-04-21 - Ikastola Karmelo Etxegarai (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 424.

2016-04-21 - Eskolarteko Foroa (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 425.

2016-04-14 - Karmengo Ama Ikastetxea (Trintxerpe)

Could not load widget with the id 423.

2016-04-11 - IES Ostalaritza (Galdakao)

Could not load widget with the id 422.

2016-04-08 - Iraurgi ikastetxea (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 418.

2016-04-07 - Karmelo Etxegarai ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 417.

2016-04-06 - Urola ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 416.

2016-04-05 - Urola ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 415.

2016-04-04 - Urola ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 414.


2016-03-19,20 - Igarako errota, ate irekiak

Could not load widget with the id 412.

2016-03-18 - Iraurgi Ikastetxea (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 411.

2016-03-17 - Urola Ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 413.

2016-03-16 - Plaentxi (Soraluze)

Could not load widget with the id 410.

2016-03-15 - Urola Ikastola (Azpeitia)

Could not load widget with the id 409.

2016-03-10 - San Antonio - Santa Rita Ikastetxea (Durango)

Could not load widget with the id 406.

2016-03-04,05 - Aztertu (ibilaldi didaktikoa)

Could not load widget with the id 404.

2016-03-04 - Franciscanas de Montpellier (Trapagaran)

Could not load widget with the id 403.


2016-02-28 - Zuhaitz eguna

Could not load widget with the id 402.

2016-02-22,23,24,26 - Karmelo Etxegarai Ikastola (LH1 eta LAH2), Azpeitia

Could not load widget with the id 400.

2016-02-25 - Mutrikuko institutoa (DBH1)

Could not load widget with the id 401.

2016-02-19 - Urola Ikastola (LH2 eta LH2), Azpeitia

Could not load widget with the id 399.

2016-02-17 - Iraurgi Ikastetxea, Azpeitia

Could not load widget with the id 398.

2016-02-12 - Urola Ikastola (LH2), Azpeitia

No images found.

2016-02-11 - Iraurgi Ikastetxea, Azpeitia

No images found.


2016-01-28 - Ikasberri Ikastola (LH1), Azpeitia

Could not load widget with the id 389.

2016-01-29 - Ikasberri Ikastola (LH2), Azpeitia

Could not load widget with the id 390.


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